Friday, May 6, 2016

Secret Agent (1936)

A Peter Lorre Showcase

Who stands out in this film: Peter Lorre. Lorre plays the comical and crazy Mexican spy who is ready to kill at the drop of a hat who's name is 'General Pompellio Montezuma De La Vilia De Conde De La Rue' - one heck of a name and NO he does not want you to call him Charlie. This film actually showcases Lorre's comical and weird side - very much fun to watch this movie just for him.

We also have Robert Young who is well known for the TV series "Father Knows Best". He's good in this as he peruses the oh so lovely Madeleine Carroll - the romance aspect of this film.

The story itself isn't bad - it's not great but it's certainly not downright horrible. It's enjoyable to watch if you don't take it too seriously. Watch this one as a fun spy film and you can easily enjoy it.


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