Thursday, April 23, 2015

Monster (1980)

Awful Movie. Just Awful.

Monster (1980) is aka Monstroid and aka The Toxic Horror. Whatever title you give it - it's still an awful movie.

OK. I'll admit it... I watched maybe the first 15 or 20 minutes then I did my fast-forward and watch a bit, fast-forward again then watch a bit until the end of the film.... yes every thing I saw was just awful.

So what part of this film is supposed to be a "true story"? I know, people lie make up bull-poop - that much is true and I guess that is the only "true story" part of the film. OK -- factories putting waste into rivers/streams and messing up the things is true too - but they don't create stupid looking monsters - just dead wildlife mainly. But that is about the only true thing I  find in this film besides the fact people get drunk. Basically, factories pumping junk into good waters and messing them up, drunks and liars -- all true. Monsters, such as in this film, are false - NOT a "true story".

The ONLY reason I'm giving this film a 1 is for John Carradine  (He gets a point)... that's it!! The rest of the film is not even worth crumbling up to throw away.


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