Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

Good Classic Sci-Fi

A good classic sci-fi film. Not really a plausible film but a good work of fiction. Interesting story, great group of actors and just enough horror to add to alien science fiction theme to make it a cult classic.

An alien life form has landed on Earth. It's intentions is to duplicate itself into every life form on the planet - including humans - in order to survive.

I read about the original ending to this film - that sounds like it would have been good to me - it was a grim ending with Dr. Bennell screaming as he saw more pods in a truck (no hope for the Earth). But the version I have seen is the "happier ending".... which still worked for me. In this "happier ending" it gave us a feeling that maybe Earth could be saved and left an opening for a part 2 if they had chose to do so. I would not mind seeing the original idea - but his "happier ending" was good to me.

This makes a great after dark film for those that like sci-fi.


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