Monday, June 30, 2014

Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

A Top-of-the-Line Sci-Fi

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is definitely a movie classic that I can watch again.

What "Close Encounters" is not:  It is not an action-packed sci-fi horror like "Alien" (Sigourney Weaver), which is also a great film series by the way. Nor is it a movie like the cute and very memorable "E.T." sci-fi family film.

I would say that "Close Encounters" is closer to the movie "Contact" (Jodie Foster) - yet both films are quite different from each other.  They are similar to each other in the way that both movies are a more realistic  (plausible) way of how people (professionals) would handle it if space aliens did come to earth.  And both movies are well worth watching.

If you have not seen "Close Encounters" yet - do so! It's a wonderful "what if" story.


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