Sunday, June 29, 2014

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (1978)

Lettuce  Watch Those Killer Tomatoes Again!

One has to re-watch this movie from time to time just to adsorb the stupidity! Yes it's that funny! Tomatoes Still Humor Me.

This is one of those it's so bad it's good type of films - that is exactly what it is suppose to be and that IS the comedy of the movie. This type of comedy is hard for a lot of people to "get": It's suppose to be cheesy and in bad taste... it is a deliberately cheesy b-rated movie that IS the humor of it. The movie is basically poking fun at older b-rated sci-fi horror movies that were meant to be scary - yet they came across as funny.

I will be the first one to admit that you have to be in the right mood to watch a deliberately bad b-rated comedy film such as this one. But when the mood strikes just right, this movie can tickle-your-fancy!

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is a cult classic film - so it will not suit everyone's taste in b-rated comedies but it does suit mine from time to time.


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