Monday, March 17, 2025

Village of the Damned (1960)


Very Good Low Key Sci-Fi!


 This is one of the best creepy kids films on the market. It's a fairly faithful adaptation of John Wyndham's novel "The Midwich Cuckoos". Great casting and good cinematography.

If I lived in the village of Midwich I would be terrified of these golden haired children. And being a female I would most likely end up giving birth to one of these alien children as the other women did in the village. I'm not sure how well I would hold up raising an alien child. LOL

John Carpenter's remake of this film is good but it's hard to beat this sci-fi classic!

The film pairs well with "Children of the Damned" and "The Damned".


 Village of the Damned (1960)


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