Saturday, February 1, 2025

Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)


Brilliant Performances

Brilliant performances by all involved. I will say it's a shame Joan Crawford could not finish making this film - there were scheduling conflicts so she had to pull out. It would have been a blast to see the legendary rivals Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in another film together!

Anyway, Sweet Charlotte is played by the brilliant Bette Davis while Olivia de Havilland took the role of Miriam (after Joan Crawford had to bow out). Both women make great screen rivals. And it's always nice to see Agnes Moorehead in something other than "Bewitched".

This is a great late night film and would pair well with "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane" or "Sudden Fear". 


Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964)

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