Friday, July 28, 2023

Deep Family Secrets (TV Movie 1997)


Not Entirely Accurate But A Good Film

Not entirely accurate as to what really happened but close to it. Some things were changed slightly to make the film work better - I'm guessing.

Richard Crenna, Angie Dickinson and Meg Foster did a wonderful job! The rest of the cast is fine as well. Some good cinematography as well.

The story is creepy - to think your father (or the man you know as 'daddy') killed your mother! Worse to find out he's not your own flesh and blood. The worst is Randy - he was the product of incest.

The real story of what actually happened makes me shiver reading it - and to watch it played out on screen is real horror.

Good movie - recommended if you like this type of film.


Deep Family Secrets (TV Movie 1997)

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