Thursday, May 4, 2023

Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)

A Fun Romantic Comedy

This is one of Elvis' better films but it's a bit strange. Three good songs from The King in this one and that's it... the film is less singing and more dialogue. And Albert the dog really makes this a stand out.

Greg (Elvis) is a photographer with a girl problem: Bernice. Bernice is a weird, flirty woman looking for the right man to share a life with. She has given up Harry and has her eyes on Greg. Bernice has the strangest ways of getting what she wants with the help of her dog Albert.

Greg looses his job and home because of Bernice but lands 2 good jobs after that. Bernice also finds Greg a much nicer home.

There is also a weird love triangle between Greg, Bernice, and Harry that gives a barrel of laughs.

One of my favorite Elvis films maybe because it is so odd but it's good romantic lighthearted comedy.


 Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)


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