Thursday, December 22, 2022

Poltergeist III (1988)


Watchable But Terrible

The film series took a serious nose dive after the first film. Steven Spielberg directed the first movie while Jerry Goldsmith created the score for it - that film was really good. These followup films are only worth watching if you are a Poltergeist fanatic.

In this 3rd installment Carol Anne is sent to her Aunt and Uncle's high rise apartment in hopes she'll forget what happened and things get better - obviously things only continue.

Preacher Kane is still after Carol Anne to bring him into the 'Light'. The poltergeist are in the mirrors instead of the television.

Like the 2nd installment, this 3rd movie is all about special effects that aren't that grand while the story is lame.


 Poltergeist III (1988)

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