Monday, November 21, 2022

Santa Claus (1959)


Creepy Weird Film

Oh my! What can I say about this atrocious flick?! Some of it sounds like an old news reel: "Is that Santa dancing? No, he's just lowering his waist line so he can fit down the chimneys." - "Look out Santa!"..... so that much is rather comical. Other parts of the film is just bad acting.

Pitch the Devil is comically fake looking. Santa looks alright. The kids around the world look fine.

The film is creepy, weird yet somehow entertaining in a strange way. If you like 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians' then you might like this odd movie. For the the rest of the Christmas lovers - you might want to remain far away from this bizarre.


Santa Claus  (1959)

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