Tuesday, September 13, 2022

I, Robot (2004)


Good Robot Sci-Fi

I haven't seen this one in a few years - recently got it in a film pack and it's better than I remembered it to be. Special effects are done well, very interesting story, well acted by all and great cinematography.

It's about a scientist named Dr. Alfred Lanning (Cromwell) who everyone believes committed suicide except Detective Spooner (Smith). Spooner is on the case even though his superior tells him there is no case here - it's suicide. Spooner believes it's a robot gone bad that killed Lanning and is hot on the trail of finding out the answers.

It's a film that could possibly come true - just not exactly like the film - the idea of of AI gaining it's own free will and own thoughts.

Good film - recommended to sci-fi fans!


I, Robot (2004)

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