Monday, February 7, 2022

The Karate Kid (2010)


ZERO KARATE - it's The Kung Fu Kid instead

For those of you who don't know: Karate is not Kung Fu nor is Kung Fu like Karate. What they share in common is that both are Asian practices & disciplines that can help you to defend yourself but are 2 different schools of martial arts completely. Kung Fu is Chinese. Karate is Japanese. The film is set in China and the kid is learning  Kung Fu (Taekwondo in this case) so in reality this is NOT a Karate Kid.

Outside of nitpicking martial arts - the film is just okay. The biggest problem with the film is there is ZERO chemistry between any of the characters. This is a very pale version in vein of the original Karate Kid - different characters and such in the films so this is not suppose to be a remake of the original but it's on film.

Anyway, I wasn't crazy about this movie but I did manage to watch it and found it just okay.


The Karate Kid (2010)


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