Thursday, September 9, 2021

Superman Returns (2006)


Not Too Bad

Pretty decent movie. Story not to shabby and the special effects were mediocre. I have likes and dislikes about the film.

What I disliked: 1) Lois Lane. Kate Bosworth was flatter than a pancake - BORING portrayal of Lois. 2) If the island Luther made was of kryptonite, then how was Superman able to move it into outerspace? Worse he had a piece of the poisonous stuff broke off into him while flying the island to space.

What I liked: 1) Kevin Spacey as Lex Luther - he was perfect! Spot-on!! 2) Brandon Routh was super as Clark Kent! His Superman was okay but his portrayal of Kent was amazing - almost identical to Christopher Reeves!! 3) The throwback to the Christopher Reeve's movies!! This movie felt retro at times. Enjoyed that about it.

Overall an alright movie.


Superman Returns (2006)

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