Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Batman Forever (1995)


Not As Bad As The Critics Say

The film is not all that bad. Yes it has flaws and things that bothered me about it but overall it is an entertaining movie.

Problems: 1) Sometimes there is too much brightness - too neon. 2) Batman nipples and butt - come on now, the batnipples are bad enough but the batbutt needed to go!! 3) Two-face acting too much like The Joker - since when did Harvey do all that mess in the comics? 4) Pink hair on the Riddler - that looked bad. 5) Sometimes looked like a cartoon. 6) Since when is a college aged adult a ward of the state? Referring to Bruce watching over Richard. 7) Too many explosions. 8) Jim Carrey's exaggerated overacting at times.

What I did like about the film: The comic book look and colours - I dig on that. I liked the story for the most part. The introduction of Robin was an enjoyment to me.  And the fact I was entertained overall watching this one. So it's not all that bad.


Batman Forever (1995)


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