Saturday, May 8, 2021

Don't Look Now (1973)


I Don't Get The Hype Over This Film

I just wasted 2 hours of my life watching this film. What is all the hype about? The film is not complex, it's not suspenseful nor is this movie a thriller. There is no deep symbolism nor anything to deeply ponder after watching. I can't believe I wasted my money to buy this movie because of all the good reviews and hype - why?

The daughter dies wearing red, the couple move to Italy a few months later for his job, they meet two weird sisters - one who is a "seer" who tells the wife their daughter is happy. Later in the film the "seer" tells the wife their daughter is warning them they should leave the country and that her husband is a "seer" as well. In the end the father is killed by a woman in a red cloak. The End.


Don't Look Now (1973)


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