Friday, October 6, 2017

The Shining (1997)

Explains Quite A Bit

If you have never read the book and have seen Kubrick's The Shining then there are a few questions left lingering in the mind. I've read that this film is King's book on film so I recommend watching this 1997 version. King himself had a hand in making this one.

It is true that comparing the two films is like comparing Apples to Oranges - both are quite different. Kubrick's film is a condensed and somewhat changed version of King's book vs this 1997 film which is basically King's book on film (I want to reiterate for those who might not have given this movie a chance).

I won't rehash the differences between the two movies - other reviewers have done a great job with that - but I can say that I like both movies.


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