Sunday, October 15, 2017

Ouija (2014)


The first thing that hit me hard was an unappealing cast. I don't mind "B" films or "B" actors - if they are so bad, they are good but the cast and film - terrible.

I love the idea behind this movie - the Ouija Board! - but the way the movie played out and the actors are non-appealing to me. They sound like valley girls (believe me I have fun spoofing them but these gals I found repulsed me).

The story - what story? One girl hangs herself in the beginning after burning her witch board and then her best friend upset for a scene or two. The best friend then gathers the rest of the friends to talk to her dead friend, a demon shows up and the dead ghostly friend saves the day. I could have wrote this one.

Maybe I wanted more from this film, maybe I expected a really good film because Universal usually has good movies but this one doesn't do it for me.


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