Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Season (2008)

Only Looks Good On The Surface
- What Is In The Box Is Awful

This film is like a bad tasting but pretty candy... well decorated, looks good to eat but once you bite into it, it's this awful, sour, rotten lemon flavor that you can't stand.

I started watching the film because the film's poster/box cover looks good and the story sounded alright from it's description but once I started watching it, it was the awful, sour, rotten lemon.

Yes there are several films dealing with a bad sect of the Amish that broke from the rest of community - this one is terrible. I think they wanted to make a porn film or horror film - the filmmakers decided they wanted to gave us this porn-horror Amish-exploitation lemon. It's done in very bad taste.


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