Monday, September 11, 2017

Hunting Grounds (2015)

Well, They Tried

This film could have been good if they would have left out the first 45 minutes of the film which was nothing more than a father and son drama... they dragged that on way to long. And the boy's uncle looked as if he was going to sit in the lotus position at any given seconded chanting the "OM" - lol he really didn't belong in the woods with the others. And the son was more like his uncle than his father - that's good and bad - the father was a piece of puckie, but the son wasn't any better towards his dad.

The last 45 minutes we finally get to the "Bigfoot" or Sasquatch - that part was okay. I will say they tried to give a good film... it almost worked but it does have it's short comings.


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