Monday, May 8, 2017

The Witch Who Came from the Sea (1976)

A Psychological Slasher Exploitation

Molly's father was a sailor that ended up raping her when she was young -  apparently Molly's sister was abused too but Molly keeps denying things that her sister says. Molly ends up getting her revenge on some men - by castration.

WIKI: According to Hesiod's Theogony, Aphrodite/Venus was born of the foam from the sea after Saturn (Greek Cronus) castrated his father Uranus (Ouranus) and his blood fell to the sea.
My take on this film: Molly's father was a sailor - so in a way, she comes from the sea like Venus. Molly's repression: she really wanted to castrate her father before he died but held it in for a long time - now her repression is manifesting itself by taking it out on the men she meets. At one point in the film, Molly starts speaking as if she was Venus saying "Would you die for love? Well, my father did" to a man that she ended up killing.

It's an okay. The film would have been better, to me, if it wasn't done in the typical 1970s exploitation style. The idea behind the film is good - I'm not crazy about the way it's filmed though.


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