Monday, May 8, 2017

Dead of Night (1974)

Not a Bad Vampire-Zombie Film

Not sure if he was a vampire or a zombie - he seemed to be a mixture of both. He looked fine when get got home but needed blood like a vampire,  later on his flesh started rotting and he was eating like a zombie. I guess he was more of a vampire in the beginning but as the days went on he turned more zombie - or so it seemed to me.

Anyway, it's not a bad film - the mother and father are the ones that made this film! The parents emotions and actions are good in this film. I do wonder about that mother though, she apparently was no longer in love with her husband, treated their daughter like "you're a sweet girl but..." - yea the mother seemed to only really love her son -- I can understand falling out of love with the husband but it seems she would have treated her daughter with the same love as her son. LOL -- maybe it was just me though.

Overall I did enjoy watching the film.


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