Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Monolith Monsters (1957)

Weird - Just Weird

This has got to be one of the most bizarre films I have ever seen: Killer Alien Rocks. I hated it but kinda liked it to a degree. It was pretty good up until the ending which was predictable and extremely lame. The first two-thirds of the movie was the best part to me - having elements of suspense and a few surprises to but the last third of the film was a let down - to me.

I don't understand the real attraction to this movie with this really lame ending. The movie isn't good but it's not completely awful - it's weird. I really don't know how to feel about this film overall, neutral I guess.

If you like weird, off the wall 1950s sci-fi movies then you might like this movie - just remember it's a meteor that crashed and it's about killer growing giant alien rocks.


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