Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Mole People (1956)

A Silly But Fun Film
This one is as corny as it gets but fun as all get-outs to me. An albino race of people living under the surface of the earth (way down inside a mountain top), still worshiping the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar after the great flood, using the Mole People as slaves and easily destroyed by bright light - like the light of a flashlight! Archeologists go up the mountain, one falls in after getting way up there and the others go down to find him... there is a cave-in and they are now trapped inside with these strange Ishtar worshipers and the Mole People!! Can the group escape? Will they meet their fate in the fires of Ishtar?!!

Yes this movie is bad but yes it's crazy fun to watch - if you are into silly 'B' creature features of the 1950s. I had a lot of fun watching this one and it's great to see it again after years of no see.


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