Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Warriors of the Wasteland (1983)

Not My Style of Action Movie

'The New Barbarians' aka 'Warriors of the Wasteland'. Here's your typical crappy B-action film, complete with some of them looking spaced out, one looking like a priest for deer hunters, some look like bums, and others looking ordinary. They drive fast cars and motorcycles while carrying guns ans such. The film is another post-apoptotic type of movie -- wanting to be Mad Max and Star Wars smashed into one. 

I see nothing new here, it's just done on a small budget with a story, look and feel that is unappealing to me. And there is a very annoying blonde headed kid that really gets on my nerves.

If you are really into 1980s Action film then you might like this one. I am one that is extremely picky about these types of film and only like a small handful of them.


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