Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Pyx (1973)

A Pyx From A Fix

Detective Sgt. Paquette  is called to the murder case of prostitute and heroine attic Elizabeth Lucy. The story flops back and forth between the police investigation and the life of Elizabeth. The deeper they search the more interested Sgt. Paquette  becomes interested in learning more about what has happened to Elizabeth. He will soon learn that it's more than a simple murder case, it's a case of a Devil Cult.

It's pretty good movie but they do carry the on longer than is necessary, 20 to 30 minutes could be cut off easily but it does showcase Karen Black and that is one of the highlights of her films - herself. *Guys might enjoy the fact you can see her bear butt. lol.

Not Karen's best film -- but certainly not her worst. This one you'd just have to continue to to watch (get over the lagging hump) and wait for the ending!


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