Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Driver's Seat (1974)

A Good Subtle "Madness" Drama

The Driver's Seat, aka Psychotic, aka Identikit - of the titles of this film I think Psychotic fits the film best, followed by Identikit. I have to say Elizabeth Taylor is fantastic in this one - the role suited her quite well. Too bad she didn't make more films in this vein.

This is an artful film with subtle and a few quite "out there" psychotic episodes from Lise (Taylor) - not to mention the two men on the plane with her and Andy Warhol. There are some other weird characters too.

It's an intelligent type of "madness" movie that is not for just anyone. Some find the film boring because they don't get the subtle things going on. If you get subtle things in films then you will get this film. I guess you can call this piece of cinema an acquired taste. I get the subtleness so this is my type of flick.


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