Saturday, February 4, 2017

Pharaoh's Curse (1957)

Slow, Mostly Boring And Below 
Average Mummy Movie

I was hoping this was going to be one of those so bad but so much fun to watch film but it isn't. Nice Egyptian sets and only a couple of scenes that are interesting and that's it. The movie is drab, the story is below average. The mummy isn't your bandage wrapped mummy instead it's old age of one of the characters (one of the curses).

There are many older mummy movies that are actually very fun to watch - and I can easily recommend most any of them but not this film Pharaoh's Curse of Boredom. I still recommended one to watch the older Universal Mummy movies and the Hammer Mummy films - those are actually enjoyable, fun to watch movies with more mummy action going on, plus the stories are not so dull.


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