Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I Accuse My Parents (1944)

I Too Accuse The Film Studio

This film needed to go up about 2 or 3 more floors (notches) to be a mediocre film. I'll word it this way, if they could have up graded their budget a bit then the film might have been a mediocre movie at best. It had potential - it just didn't have to budget to bring in a better director, cast & crew.

The story, well I think it needed tweaking, revamping or re-visioning just a bit and this could have been a nice little B film-noir. They just didn't have the budgeting to do these things... I'm sure they barely got this film made as it is and the studios would not invest more money into it.

The film just misses the mark of being a fairly good B crime-drama. I see a potential in this one, I accuse the film studios lack of funding to make a better film out of it.


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