Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dance Hall Racket (1953)

A Crime Satire

Lenny Bruce was a comedian, social critic, satirist, and screenwriter. His comedy was typically satire, politics, religion, sex, and vulgarity. Lenny Bruce wrote and starred in this film. The movie is a crime satire (comedy) and not meant to be taken seriously I believe.

The film has been tagged on several places as Action and Adventure but I see no evidence of either... especially adventure. Where is the adventure in this film? Action? Very, very little action happens. It's a very talky crime film and that's really about it.

It's a terrible film that has some humorous moments. Not a film I would care to watch again - was barely okay enough for a one time watch for me. The only humor I really found was the drunk Scotsman trying to get a drink.


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