Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Star Trek" Wink of an Eye (1968)

Queen Deela Wants Kirk As King

Season 3, episode 11. The Enterprise receives a distress call from the planet Scalos. Kirk and a party beam down to the planet to find no one there but they did find a strange insect-like sound buzzing around them. The crew inside the Enterprise are still seeing the Scalosians on the screen, they do not see the landing party and the coordinates match exactly. McCoy is watching a red shirted crew member named Compton who suddenly disappears right before McCoy's eyes. Kirk and crew beam back aboard, they are watching a delayed, taped message from the Scalosians on the screen. Strange things are happening on the Enterprise - constant malfunctions, things in sickbay have been moved in the cabinets, buzzing sound can be heard by Kirk and something invisible touching him and more. Kirk discovers that something has beamed aboard the ship with them. Only Kirk and Spock are allowed to search engineering by the invisible aliens. A bit later Kirk grabs some coffee on the bridge, then all crew members suddenly start moving very slow then are in a state of suspended animation - suddenly Deela, Queen of the Scalosians appears to Kirk. She grabs and kisses Kirk and introduces herself as "Deela the enemy". Deela has made Kirk like herself so the crew members only hear Kirk as an insect because they move very quickly - accelerated. She wants Kirk as the King to her Queen. The crew is moving at their own normal speed and can't see Kirk anymore - he vanished to them. Kirk finds that what happened to him also happened to Compton. It's up to Kirk to get back to normal from his end, while Spock and crew try to get Kirk back from their end.

Another average episode that embodies what Star Trek is all about.


"Star Trek" Wink of an Eye (1968)

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