Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Star Trek" Turnabout Intruder (1969)

Kirk's Insane Ex-Lover & Final Episode of S.T. TOS

Season 3, episode 24. The Enterprise receives a distress call from planet Camus II where there are archaeological expedition is taking place. The landing party finds 3 people alive, 2 who are Dr. Janice Lester and Dr. Arthur Coleman. Janice and Kirk were once lovers during their Academy days. Janice did not receive a starship command and she blames it on the fact that she's a woman - that caused Kirk and Janice to separate. The medical scans show the survivors were exposed to radiation poisoning. Kirk and Janice are left alone for a bit to talk. Kirk learns that Janice's self hate has grown and is at the point of madness. Using an alien device, Janice traps Kirk's mind and switches bodies with him. Kirk is now in Janice and Janice is now in Kirk. The Janice-in-Kirk orders the landing party to beam aboard the Enterprise. Dr. Coleman is Janice's partner in crime. Now Kirk and crew must figure out what happened and how to get Kirk back to himself and what to do with Janice & Dr. Coleman.

A very interesting concept - to switch bodies with the opposite sex (or anyone), to get them to understand what the other has to endure - what the other's life is really like. But Janice's way, ideas and motives, is not the logical and sane way to conduct this experiment.

The heat, tension, really builds as time goes on in this final episode of Star Trek TOS.  i find the lower rating on this one illogical.


"Star Trek" Turnabout Intruder (1969)

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