Wednesday, January 4, 2017

"Star Trek" The Squire of Gothos (1967)

Trelane The  Playful Lunatic

Season 1, episode 17. The Enterprise is on a mission to Colony Beta VI to bring them supplies. Along the way the run across the rouge planet Gothos. Lt. Sulu and Capt. Kirk disappear off the ship. Spock takes command and sends a crew down to investigate when they receive strange messages from the planet. The investigative team find Kirk and Sulu almost statue-like. Trelane appears and claims to be studying them and wants them to stay as his guests - highly insisting they are rude for wanting to leave him to go back to their ship. Trelane seems to have special powers that will not allow the crew to leave and a mirror that he does not like to get far from. He's also very playful and mischievous -- a very naughty boy.  When they find a way to beam aboard the ship, Trelane appears on the bridge to find out who this Mr. Spock is that helped them to escape back to the ship. Next Trelane brings Kirk, Spock, McCoy and a couple of others down to as his "guests" once again. It's up to the captain and crew to find another way to escape this playful lunatic.

This is one of those fun episodes that is likeable but not the best episode of S.T. TOS. I rather like the quirky episodes quite a lot.


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