Thursday, January 12, 2017

"Star Trek" Spock's Brain (1968)

A Female Alien Steals Spock's Brain

Season 3, episode 1. The Enterprise encounters an ion-propelled craft. A female appears on the bridge and uses a device to knock them all out, when they awake Spock is not moving. McCoy takes Spock to sickbay, examines him only to find Spock's brain missing - surgically removed - all nerve endings are repaired -- Spock's Vulcan body is fine just his brain is missing. Kirk and crew follows the ion trail to the 6th planet in that solar system. Kirk takes a gamble and beams down with Chekov, Scotty and a couple of red shirts to inspect the icy planet. They run across a primitive group of humans - they refer to the others as bringers of pain. Kirk then has McCoy to beam down to check some remains and when he does, he brings Spock's remote controlled body along. Kirk okays Spock's body with them and they do some investigating to find a large underground facility. Kirk uses his communicator and picks up Spock's brainwave thoughts, Spock responds to Kirk and search crew. As they move along to find Spock's brain they are captured by the aliens. The aliens seem to know nothing when they speak to Kirk and crew... but eventually get information about a controller. It seems Spock's brain is the controller and Kirk and crew want to speak to the Controller. It's a matter of finding Spock's brain and putting it in Spock's body but McCoy's medical knowledge is limited and Spock will have to help him with the surgery.

It's not a great episode kinda on the silly side but fun to watch.


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