Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Star Trek" The Lights of Zetar (1969)

A Storm And A Romance

Season 3, episode 18. The Enterprise heads to the planetoid of Memory Alpha, where computers hold cultural, historic and scientific information - they are going there to install new equipment. Mr. Scott and Lieutenant Mira Romaine  have been working on the project together and forming a romance. When they get close to the planetoid, they encounter a strange energy storm, moving quickly, that has killed the staff at Memory Alpha. That energy storm has also possessed Lt. Romaine when the ship passed into it yet the rest of the crew had strange parallelizations: from not able to move their hands, to not being able to speak. Spock has clearly stated that it's moving to fast to be a natural phenomenon and it's not a storm. Romaine ends up in sickbay because she passed out, McCoy wants to know why only her, Scotty believes it's because it's her first time for space travel and she just wants to know why it happened. They arrive to Memory Alpha to find all dead but one who was barely alive and trying to say something. McCoy's readings say they died because each of them have a different area of the brain missing. Romaine beams down and warns the search party that the storm is on it's way back and will kill them all - she just knows. Kirk confronts Romaine if she could remember what she said when she was knocked out on the ship. They beam back aboard to find out what is this storm exactly while trying to steer clear of it. Scotty still insists to Romaine it's just space sickness and she still thinks it's more. Now they must find out not what it is but what "they" are.

Not too bad of an episode - it is interesting and a pretty good mystery that Kirk and crew must solve.


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