Saturday, January 14, 2017

"Star Trek" Elaan of Troyius (1968)

The Spoiled Brat, Piggy And Irritating Elaan

Season 3, episode 13. The Enterprise must transport the Princess Elaan, warrior of the Elasians, to their enemy planet, the Troyians, for a marriage to take place to bring peace to both sides. Elaan is demanding, holds sway over men, arrogant and vicious. Also on board is the Ambassador Lord Petri who is one of the Troyians - he is there to get Elaan ready for the marriage and he has his hands full with this woman. No warp drive says Lord Petri because he needs time to get this irritating, murderous and childish woman schooled and ready for the marriage. Kirk and crew have their hands full as well with this ill mannered woman. Everyone on board the Enterprise is ordered to be as nice as possible to both the Elasians and Troyians because this is of a political nature. There is also a problem of a sensor ghost or a space ship, it's a Klingon warship that might threaten the mission.

I think this is meant to be one of those cutesy, fun episodes but the woman is highly illogical, irritating and slap worthy. I find her very distasteful.


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