Monday, January 23, 2017

Mind Over Murder (1979)

A Woman Dreams Of 
A Plane Crash And A Bald Man
We have a woman that keeps having clairvoyant dreams of a plane crash and sees a bald man. There is a connection here - but what? She tells her doctor all about it but he can't figure out what is going on with her. A government agent hears about this woman and wants to learn more - he's investigating a plane crash that involves a bald man.

A pretty bad film. Nothing much here really that I found "thrilling" for a Thriller TV movie. Acting is fine, plot idea is okay but I am not crazy about the way this played out nor how it was filmed.

I can find better made for TV 1970s movies than this one. I thought I'd try it out since I haven't seen it yet and was disappointed.


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