Monday, December 19, 2016

White Pongo (1945)

Typical 40s Jungle B-Film

This is your average run of the mill 1940s jungle B-film complete with people dressed up in gorilla suits, tribal people, rich white adventurers, stock footage of real animals, lame comedy, a budding romance between 2 lead characters and lots of silly dialogue. If you've seen one of these films then you've basically seen them all.

It takes the group half of the film to get to their destination. The film padded heavily with scenes of real animals and lots of stuff of the budding romance and other unrelated stuff to the heart of the story.

The film is not worth watching unless you are like me and found it in a 50-pack and simply want to watch all the films in the pack and review another seen film. BTW I acquired this in the Sci-Fi Classics 50-Pack and it's NOT a Sci-Fi.


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