Sunday, December 4, 2016

The People Across the Lake (1988)

Not At All What I Was Hoping It Would Be

Basically the wife wants to move back to the country, the husband is a city slicker and the family has been living in the city. The husband finally agreed to trying to live in the country for one year - if they like it they will stay, if they dislike it they will move back to the city. All that is fine to me. It's after they get to the country it becomes a family adventure for awhile with just a little bit of dead body parts showing up and a lot of talk of murders that have happened but no one knows who did them. The family finds out who - but will they survive?

Great casting - about 90% of it is a rather lame film. Just watch the last 25 to 30 minutes of it - that's really the only okay part the rest is a a bunch of hooky. It's a shame too because this had potential to be a good and fun movie all the way though it.


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