Wednesday, December 21, 2016

"Star Trek" What Are Little Girls Made Of? (1966)

Nurse Chapel's Fiancé & Kirk's Android Double

Season 1, episode 7. Nurse Chapel's fiancé, Dr. Korby, has been missing for 5 years and presumed dead but was found to be  the planet EXO-III. Chapel was very much excited to see him again, she and Kirk beamed down to the planet. They find Korby but he's obsessed with technology of "the old ones" and acts somewhat differently than Chapel remembers him. Korby reveals androids and the technology that created them to Kirk and Chapel by creating an android Kirk - identical to the real Kirk in almost every single way. Kirk is held captive, Chapel confused, the android Kirk returns to the Enterprise long enough to gather some information for Korby - fooling the crew. It's up to Kirk to find away out of there.

Good episode. It'll have you thinking of humans and robots becoming one... the "soul" or compete mind of a human, all of one's memories, emotions & thoughts inside an android body - doing away with death, diseases, virus and more.


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