Tuesday, December 20, 2016

"Star Trek" The Naked Time (1966)

Madness Aboard The Enterprise

Season 1, episode 4. Mr. Spock and Lieutenant Junior Grade Tormolen the Psi 2000 to find out what has happened to the people. Everyone there was dead but it doesn't add up... one even died taking a shower with his clothes on. Spock and Tormolen re-board the Enterprise but little do they know Tormolen has caught a mysterious disease while on Psi 2000. Tormolen ends up infecting Mr. Sulu and others. Strange behavior takes place among the crew of the USS Enterprise. Tormolen overrides the bridge, it's controls and intercom -- the ship is speeding towards the planet with Kirk, Spock and Scotty racing to get back control of the ship while Dr. McCoy quickly trying to find a cure. Can a cure be found before it's too late?

A really fun episode watching everyone on board the ship acting out of character - in particular watching Sulu's swashbuckling scene!!


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