Monday, November 14, 2016

The Raiders of Atlantis (1983)

Stupid Stereotypical 80s Action Flick

This movie is nothing more than a very stupid stereotypical 1980s action flick. It begins with an awful 80s disco-dance song where they kept singing "rolly pollie" over and over. Then off to boats, helicopters, car chases, guns, people either killing or beating each other up and more stupid music.

And I hate the film poster. The dude looks like he's trying to be Chuck Norris being Rambo. The movie is exactly what you see on the poster and if that is attractive to you then you might like this movie - only the film is worse than the poster (in my opinion).

I'm sorry, I like *some* action films of the 80s (only a small handful really) but I find the bulk of them a real snore - and this film is a snore to me.

The Raiders of Atlantis (1983)

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