Saturday, November 12, 2016

Mission Stardust (1967)

It Started Out Good Then Went Down Hill
It is true that roughly the first 1/3 of the film is spent on the moon and that is the best part of the show. The second 2/3 is spent on earth in Africa and only about the first half of that section is good. It's the story that starts falling flat after giving us a pretty decent start.

This film, along with any "B" sci-fi, you'll have some fun cheesy special effects - and this film has some good cheese. The acting isn't great but the actors do make the film kinda fun to watch. And I like the idea of the one astronaut and the alien lady really "liking" each other, and I like the idea of the alien guy being sick so the astronauts decide to help him but I didn't like the way the film played out in order to get the sick alien the formula to treat his leukemia - the military spy thing really didn't help the story (it hurt it to me).

Overall it's something kinda fun and cheesy to watch - not great, but not plan awful.


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