Monday, November 14, 2016

Life Returns (1935)

Golly, That Was Not Good

Nothing to see here unless you want to watch Onslow Stevens mope on screen for an hour looking like a bum and a group of kids doing Our Gang style of stuff. In the end of the film, you can watch the "real film" of the guy bringing dog back to life (but I don't think that was real).

This is a very slow, pretty boring film for the most part. It seem they threw the Our Gang stuff into the movie as a time filler - really served no purpose. You would think the film would revolve around a man coming up with his scientific discovery and maybe failing a couple of times then succeeding in the end but the film is not like that at all. As I said, the film flips from Onslow Stevens moping onscreen to Our Gang then back to more moping by Stevens.

You'd do well by skipping this film and finding something else to watch.


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