Monday, November 14, 2016

Galaxina (1980)

Not Funny At All - NEXT!

Nothing funny here to me and I liked Spaceballs! It took them dang near 10 minutes before anything was really said - it mainly showed the outside of a ship circling an asteroid, a chick in a blonde wig in a chair and two dumb "space police" dudes, one in a cowboy hat the other on a rowing machine, oh and something about a Captain Butt, golly gee that's funny - NOT! What is suppose to be funny about this film?

I acquired this monstrosity in the Sci-Fi Invasion 50-film pack. I consider this nothing more than a filler film - just something to throw into the pack to make sure there are 50 movies as promised. It's one of the worst films in the pack and NOT a so bad it's good film either... just a lame stupid unfunny film.


Galaxina (1980)

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