Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Witch (2015)

I Am Blown Away
 - Intelligent, Suspenseful Horror

One of the biggest problems with most modern day horror films is the fact they spend more money on fake blood and guts than they do paying good actors, directors, writers, etc. Most of the modern horror films are the stupid in-your-face blood, guts and gore with a crappy or non-existent storyline. And they do not know how to build up suspense and create subtle, intelligent horror.  This modern day horror film, The Witch, is quite the opposite. The Witch is highly suspenseful, very atmospheric, excellent story and over all scary.

The film is considered to slow to some people, and I can see why... it's not the silly chop them up film that they are used to. The Witch is in the spirit of good classic horror... slowly building into a terrifying ending to a fantastic story. It's about a very religious family in the 1600s who's child came up missing, their crops failing, intense family moments and witch nearby in the woods. Very creepy things happen to the family.

If you like the subtle, suspenseful, eerie horror films - then watch this film! I am blown away at how good it is. I fell in-love with this film the first time I watched it - and it's rare for me to enjoy modern horror but I truly enjoyed this film.


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