Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)

Needed More Freddy

This film started out extremely good but I was not crazy about ending... I'm not pleased with the "supergirl" idea seemingly ending the life of Freddy Krueger  (of course Freddy comes back but the keyword here is "seemingly"). And Freddy as usual messes with her as he always messes with the ones he is about ready to kill - and he had plenty of chances to kill her but she seemingly gets him first and Freddy didn't get a chance to damage her before that happened which bothered me. Seriously, I just wanted Freddy to kick "supergirl's" butt and the credits roll.

It also bothered me that Freddy was not in this one as much as I was hoping he would be - he wasn't shown all that much here. OK just call a Freddy lover (and I am) but I really believe they lagged just a little bit by not showing Krueger as much in this one, and it's Freddy we all wanted to see! What we do see of him is great, he's a sinister and twisted as always! The film just needed more of that - just my opinion.


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