Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Suddenly (1954)

Guns, Assassination and Sinatra

The first thing you'll notice about this film is the first 10 minutes or so where the boy wants a cap gun and his mother does not want him to have one because his father was killed by gunfire in the military. She wants to basically keep the kid in a bubble or well protected from such things. Her boyfriend, the town sheriff, tells her that "guns aren't good or bad it's the people that use them". Well, the theme of guns will continue throughout the film and plays in important role in movie - and not just the assassination attempt on the president in the film.

The movie does have some very intense moments and Frank Sinatra delivers a lot of those moments in his role as the villain John Baron. A very good role for Sinatra - and the rest of the cast was good too.

A very good thriller if you like these type of films - worth watching.


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