Thursday, September 1, 2016

Robin and Marian (1976)

Romantic, Adventurous and Wonderful

A wonderful Robin Hood tale that takes place some 20 years after his earlier adventures in and around Sherwood Forrest. Robin is aging, naturally, along with the rest of the characters we've all come to know. Although getting older, Robin is still high spirited and out to get whom he deems enemies - he's still fit for battle.

Robin finds Marion running a convent as a nun and a nurse. Marion has tried to forget Robin while he was away, she's done a pretty decent job of it but seeing Robin again and traveling with him she finds herself still deeply in-love with him.

This movie has a surprise ending for first time viewers OR for those, like myself, who has not seen this movie in many, many years and has forgotten the ending. I won't give it away but I can say what happens leaves Robin looking like a hero in the eyes of his followers.

Wonderful movie - well worth watching.


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