Saturday, September 3, 2016

Midnight Manhunt (1945)

Rather Boring Comedy-Mystery

This one is rather boring and could have been better if they left out the lame comedy (mainly from Clutch Tracy) and turned it into a pure mystery-thriller! This one really is "stagy" and seems to drag in lots of places. For me, the only parts that are somewhat good are with George Zucco and he's not in the film all that much it's mainly the other cast members that take center stage or should I say center "stagy"?!

This one is a case of who has the corpse now and takes place mainly in a wax museum or Sue Gallagher's (Savage) upstairs apartment, which is above and within the wax museum.

The film is "okay" I guess but definitely NOT Zucco's nor Savage's best film - this might be their worst film or pretty close to it.


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